



Gestational age:For all pregnant women, using your gestational calendar, enter the date of your last period and easily get the date of the beginning of your pregnancy, the term of your pregnancy and especially your gestational age.Followed :Using your calculated gestational age, obtain a complete follow-up (information and precise dates) of the various exams to make:    * Ultrasound    * Maternity leave    * Screening: Trisomy 21, Gestational Diabetes, Streptococcus b    * Deadline for pregnancy declaration    * Deadline for an abortionRoulette:Your gestational calendar also includes a wheel that will allow you, for each new week of amenorrhea, to obtain many tips, information and tips to better understand your pregnancy.For all health professionals (gynecologists, midwives or doctor) this application will easily replace the cardboard wheels usually used to follow a pregnancy.